Hoping to make the cheer squad this year? Gymnastics can be a huge plus on your scorecard, expecially back handsprings. In this tutorial, learn the basics and how to start practicing to do a back handspring. Before trying this it is important to stretch, and either get a spotter or put together a soft, padded enviornment to practice on. Begin by practice doing a "bridge" to warm up the arch in your back.
This is a great instructional video on how to perform a scorpion. Performing this scorpion pose is very good for your health. This pose is a very important pose in the art of yoga. Similarly cheer leading and gymnastics people use this pose. Lift your left leg and hold it with your two hands for a few seconds. Now you have to lift your right leg and hold it with your two hands for about 20 seconds. This is a very effective pose in yoga.
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to do a back flip. Viewers will be learn how to flip backwards without using their hands. This is not a back handspring. Users will need to wear athletic clothes and use a mattress. Tie up your hair so it doesn't get in the way and don't wear any shoes. Users will need to be able to perform a back handspring before attempting this technique. This video is very descriptive and explains the technique well. This video will benefit those viewers who are...
In this video from ravenranda25 she shows how to do a back handspring. She shows a five step process, building a new element each time. First do a simple back bend. Second do a back bend with a kick over. Third, do a back bend with walkover. Fourth, do the back bend but keep your legs and feet together as you bring them over. Once you've mastered all of these elements you are ready for step five which is the complete back handspring. If you're a child, please make sure to get a parent to...
In this Sports video you will see how to perform a round-off and back handspring. This sweet little girl in this video demonstrates how to do round-off and back handspring. To do this, you got to learn the round-off and back handspring separately. Once you have perfected these two routines, then you can move on to combining both of them to do this full routine. After the short run-up, you need to rise and jump to complete the round-off and then you do the back handspring. After you complete the...
In this video you will learn how to do a front handspring. To do that just follow these easy and quick steps and instructions: The first thing that you need to do is to stretch your body so that you won't get injured or hurt. The next step is to perform a handstand and a handstand bridge. Now repeat the handstand bridge but only this time with your legs apart. Now take a step before the handstand and then perform the bridge and land with your feet together. Now repeat this step and recover from...
To do a back handspring, raise your hands over your head in a standing position. Then, stretch your arms out in front of your while lowering yourself, with knees bent, to a simulated sitting position. Use propulsion from your legs to jump into the back handspring. If you don't jump into the back handspring you may hit your head on the ground. Reach back as far as you can go, keep your body tight and keep your toes pointed. Keep your arms extended over your head and reach back to flip your body...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to do a back handspring. This is for those who are advanced in gymnastics. Begin by standing straight. You feet should be together and your arms are raised straight up. Then crouch down and bring your arms back. Swing your arms up and perform the flip. Split you legs into the jump and step back. This video provides a visual demonstration and step-by-step instructions for viewers to easily understand and follow along. This video will benefit those...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to do a back handspring. This is for those who are advanced in gymnastics. Begin by standing straight. You feet should be together and your arms are raised straight up. Then crouch down and bring your arms back. Swing your arms up and perform the flip. Split you legs into the jump and step back. This video provides a visual demonstration and step-by-step instructions for viewers to easily understand and follow along. This video will benefit those...
What's a football game without a touchdown? And what's a cheer without the right touchdown move? Learn 3 moves that will have you bringing the crowds to their feet! Follow along and learn how-to do t's, touchdowns, and diagonals for cheerleading.
Who Are You Yelling For? We can't hear you! Get the bleachers shaking with this chanting cheer and dance that's great for any pep rally. Learn alongside Coach Lauren and the ATV cheerleaders as they demonstrate all the right moves. Follow along with this cheerleading how-to video to learn the "Who R U Yelling For" cheer.
Cheering is all about the right moves. Cheer along with Coach Lauren as she shows you the basic hand motions used in almost any cheer! Follow along in this cheerleading how-to video and learn how to do blades and fists hand formations.
Are you a first time cheerleader? Then "Gimme an A" is a great cheer to start with. You can personalize this cheer by changing the letters to spell out the name of your favorite team. Follow along with this cheerleading how-to video to learn the "Gimme an A" cheer.
Give a round of applause for Coach Lauren and the A-TV cheerleaders! Learn how to properly clap with your open palms and clasped hands. Follow along with this cheerleading how-to video to learn basic cheers and open and clasped hand clapping techniques.
So cool, so cool, you are so cool! Try out this Totally Cool cheer with Coach Lauren and the A-TV squad. There's a lot of clapping in this cheer, so get ready to make some noise! Follow along with this cheerleading how-to video to learn the Totally Cool cheer.
A-W-E-S-O-M-E, this cheer has certainly earned its name! Coach Lauren will break down the steps for this pep rally cheer, so you and your friends can get the party started! Follow along in this cheerleading how-to video to learn how to do the Awesome cheer.
Coach Lauren teaches her squad a great cheer for any football game. "Move it Down the Field" will pump up your team and help them take it to the end zone! Follow along with this cheerleading how-to video to learn the steps to the "Move it Down the Field" cheer.
An all time football favorite, this cheer will have the crowds spelling out the words right along with you. From your family room to the football field you can lift everyone's spirits with this cheer! Follow along with this cheerleading how-to video to learn the "Be Aggressive" cheer for football games.
Get ready for this exciting pep rally dance that will get the crowd on their feet in no time. Watch this cheerleading how-to video as Coach Lauren teaches you the fancy channtilly lace footwork that will make you the star of your squad.
Changing your leg position can create a beautiful variation to an already existing cheer. Learn some cheerleading leg variations in this video tutorial.
Knowing how to properly set up your mounts for cheerleading will help you execute your stunts safer and better. Learn how to do some stunt mounts in this video tutorial.
One of the most important things to do before practicing your cheerleading is to stretch properly. Learn some simple tips on stretching in this video tutorial.
Cheer stunting is the acrobatic part of a cheerleading performance, including preps, cradles, flies, and extensions. Learn cheer stunting positions from a professional cheer team in this free cheerleading video series.
A good all-star cheer sequence works well for cheerleading competitions that require a sharp motion segment. Learn an all-star cheerleading routine from a national champion cheerleader in this free video.
Learn all about training and preparing for cheerleading competitions with expert preparation tips from a cheerleader in this free video series on advanced cheerleading stunts.
Learn all about training and preparing for cheerleading competitions with expert preparation tips from a cheerleader in this free video series on advanced cheerleading jumps and tumbling.
Pep rallies are great times to try new choreography with cheerleaders or dance squads before competitions. Watch a full demo of a great pep rally spirit dance and learn all the steps in this free cheerleading and dancing video.
Want to be a cheerleader? Learn how to do cheerleading moves and stunts in this free video series about doing handsprings, cartwheels, round offs, and more!
Here is how our Content Producer Dreah made a Pompon out of trashbags. The results are amazing. Learn how to transform plastic trashbags into cheerleading pom-poms by watching this instructional video.
Watch this video to learn how to do an interesting cheerleading chants and cheers. This is a detailed instructional video to teach you how to do a routine.
Join Matt Null (NCA/Millersville/Cheer Excel), Lindsey (Fire and Ice Allstars), Carly (Seton La Salle HS), Greg (Step 1 Allstars) and EJ (IUP) as you learn how to load, set and execute a sponge to prep (elevator) to sponge. Great tips for the beginning cheer leading coach or cheerleader!
Join Matt Null (NCA/Millersville/Cheer Excel), Jhana, Dena, and Lauren (Fire and Ice Allstars), and Greg (Step 1 Allstars) as you learn how to load, set and execute a prep (or elevator) and dismount in a hug wrap. Great tips for the beginning cheer leading coach or cheerleader!
Join Matt Null (NCA/Millersville/Cheer Excel), Lindsey (Fire and Ice Allstars), Carly (Seton La Salle HS), Greg (Step 1 Allstars) and EJ (IUP) as you learn how to load, set and execute an extension with a cradle dismount. Great tips for the beginning cheer leading coach or cheerleader!
After you've mastered the basics of an extension, you can move on to the extended liberty cheerleading stunt. Join Matt Null (NCA/Cheer Excel/Millersville), Jhana, Dena, and Lauren (Fire and Ice Allstars), and Greg (Step 1 Allstars) as you learn step by step how to do an extended liberty.
A popular intermediate stunt in cheerleading is the extension with cradle dismount. Check out this video and get your whole team practicing the extension stunt today.
Jumps are an important part of any cheerleader's repertoire. The most popular jump in cheerleading is the one and only toe touch. See how to do the toe touch jump in this video.
Wanna show your team spirit and WOW the crowd? Try doing stunts in your next cheerleading routine! A popular intermediate stunt in multiple-base stunting is the thigh stand! See how to do it in this video.
Wanna show your team spirit and get the crowd to their feet? Try a jump! Jumps are an important part of any cheerleader's repertoire so learn how to do a front hurdler jump today.