Coach Lauren teaches her squad a great cheer for any football game. "Move it Down the Field" will pump up your team and help them take it to the end zone! Follow along with this cheerleading how-to video to learn the steps to the "Move it Down the Field" cheer.
1. First practice the words: Move It Down The Field Go That Way Move It Down The Field Go That Way Yeah! Go Team!
2. For "Move It:" 1. First, stand facing your crowd with your hands on your hips and your feet spread out, shoulders width apart. It's called the "ready" stance. 2) Now pivot your body to the left and lunge your left leg out. Your right leg goes back and your left leg should be forward and slightly bent. Your arms should be stretched out in front of you and your hands should be in the fist formation.
3. For "Down the Field: " 1) Pivot back to the "face forward" position. While you do this, bend your arms back so that your elbows are sticking out and your fists are touching your chest. 2) Then you extend both arms out to the side to form a T formation. Your feet should be a shoulders width apart. 3) Clap twice on the word "down" and once on the word "field."
4. For "Go That Way:" 1) Pivot to the right. Your right knee should be slightly bent and your left leg should be extended behind you. Stretch your left arm out and point to the right while you yell, "Go That Way." 2) Clap 3 times.
5. For "Yeah! Go Team:" Hop up and down doing spirit fingers. Now repeat the whole thing, pointing in the other direction!
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