Get ready for this exciting pep rally dance that will get the crowd on their feet in no time. Watch this cheerleading how-to video as Coach Lauren teaches you the fancy channtilly lace footwork that will make you the star of your squad.
1. Take your arms, with your hands clasped together, and raise them over your head to the right--like you're stretching. At the same time, stretch out your left leg and point out your left foot.
2. Next, shift your weight onto your left leg, bend your right knee, and bring your arms down toward your left leg. Shake your hips twice.
3. Raise your arms up and let your elbows go out. You should also be standing so that each foot is turning out, like this. Now press your arms down and kick your left foot back and press your arms down again and kick your right foot back. You are going to do these kick backs 4 times.
4. For the next part of this dance, you are going to turn your knees in and out while you move your arms up and down. Remember that when your arms go up your knees go out, and when your arms go down, your knees go in. You're going to do this part of the dance 4 times!
5. Shift your weight to the left foot and bend your elbows towards the left side of your body. Your hands should be in fist formation. Shake your hip out and then shift your weight to your right foot and swing your arms around to the right side. You are going to do this move 3 times. So it will be left, right, left.
6. For the next step, your arms and weight should still be on the left side of your body. Swing your arms around in a circle and then lift your right leg. Step out with your right foot and raise your arms up like you're carrying a tray. Your elbows should be bent and your hands should be palm side up. Wobble your head and lift your knees up like you are running in place.
7. To end the dance, take two steps forward and then stop with your hands at your sides and your face pointing to the ground. Your feet should be a shoulders wid
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