Forum Thread: How to Be a Real Cheerleader!!!

A cheerleader is not normal athlete a cheerleader is not anyone, cheerleading is a sport that is gaining strength in the world and is considerador by many as a very complex extreme sport, for all requirements, all the steps to be taken an athlete, the themes of the coaches, the actions to be met within a very short time, accurately with presision, agility, technique and perfection, to run bearings, for jumps, and even better gymnastics, is It needs to work much of the flexibility, the physical is vital for rescistencia as tiredness is too much, it takes work force for carrying a person up to your shoulders or even higher and have stability, you need work confidence, and what it takes to run a good workout and avoid fear in a parner being at high altitudes, work discipline and technique to achieve perfection in each of these phases.


  1. You decide what kind of cheerleader you want to be.
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  1. Hone your body, if you do this or never was before.
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  1. Learn the essential skills in animation.
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  1. keep your physical appearance as cheerleader.
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  1. Speak in a well audible and clear voice volume, but without shouting, as this will only damage your voice and join the chanting prevent animation.
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  1. Introduce presentations and training. It comes very timely and enthusiastically.
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  1. Always listen to the coach and the team captain, respecting his instructions.
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  1. Routine practice two to five times each week.
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  1. Keep a positive attitude at all times.
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  1. Do not be afraid. Fear is your greatest enemy.
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11.Trust the rest of the cheerleading squad. If you think you are not going to drop, you will not be dropped.

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  1. Have confidence in yourself and do not pay attention to what others think.Always put your best smile and remember that there is no spirit without you!
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Before you leave, you have to know that cheerleading is one of the best sports in the world despite the bad reputation they had had, times have hido changing and this sport has gained momentum worldwide, being one of the sports developing many of the skills and abilities of the human body, also by having a healthy lifestyle, to be a better use of your free time, despite being an extreme sport for its many dangers, people of different ages practice it, from toddlers to seniors. Do not give up if you feel that this sport is not for you, it is a sport that progress is very difficult, absolutamnete nothing is easy in this, is the determination and perseverance is what differentiates normal people of the cheerleaders and so someday achieved it be the best in the world. Good Look.

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